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Construction trades

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Warwickshire's education department is a DfES 14-19 Pathfinder tasked to promote and improve collaboration between schools, FE colleges and training providers. Schools offer work-based learning opp...

Warwickshire's education department is a DfES 14-19 Pathfinder tasked to promote and improve collaboration between schools, FE colleges and training providers. Schools offer work-based learning opportunities to students of all abilities at KS4, providing every student with an opportunity to spend one day each week in the world of work. The programme features KS4 students enrolled on NVQ Level 1 courses at an adult learning centre in Nuneaton. They spend time working on a Lovell building site gaining hands-on experience alongside experienced tradespeople. Lovell is a national house builder with a building craft trades academy offering modern apprenticeships. Students on the KS4 course have the opportunity to progress to the academy or to FE courses at North Warwickshire and Hinckley College.


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