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Hannah and Cherry

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At Hastingsbury Upper School in Bedfordshire about a dozen or so students have been trained to observe and give feed back on the way teachers teach. Melissa Waller, a young dance teacher is finding...

At Hastingsbury Upper School in Bedfordshire about a dozen or so students have been trained to observe and give feed back on the way teachers teach. Melissa Waller, a young dance teacher is finding her Yr10 troublesome. They take too long to get changed, often forget their kit and talk too much. Melissa discusses these problems with Hannah Anthony in Yr 12 and Cherry Spencer in Yr11 who then observe her lesson. Their feedback offers a new perspective for Melissa and they come up with radical ideas on how she might begin her lesson. They also discuss how to deal with the close friendship groups that seem to threaten her authority. Melissa has no qualms about listening to the student voice and feels it is important for her development. Hannah and Cherry are pleased to help but thought it weird at first to be giving advice to teachers.


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