Videos, Slides, Films

Professional development : succeeding as a teacher : planning instruction

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Planning Instruction: By watching teachers plan and implement lessons, viewers get a virtual roadmap for their young learners, building on content knowledge, using technology as a resource, and cra...

Planning Instruction: By watching teachers plan and implement lessons, viewers get a virtual roadmap for their young learners, building on content knowledge, using technology as a resource, and crafting valid objectives and assessments - all oriented to state and local standards. How to use assessments to design instructions, how to weave together many different sources in planning instruction, and how to activate prior knowledge. 29 Minutes. Copyright 2006 Magna Systems. Catalog Number: MG-1160-06-DVD.

Instruction For All Students: This video shows classroom strategies to engage all students and to increase student achievement. Vivid classroom scenes incorporate current research to show how to structure and pace a solid lesson, including modeling, role-playing, teaching a new skill, providing feedback and practice, assigning homework, and using assessments. Viewers see flexible grouping in action and learn how to determine when it is appropriate to use whole group instruction, cooperative groups, or have students work independently or in pairs. 29 Minutes. Copyright 2006. Magna Systems. Catalog Number: MG-1161-06-DVD. ISBN: 1-55740-247-7.

Managing The Learning Environment: Build foundation skills for developing classroom management that works! Valuable ideas on how to set up a classroom physically - and vary the set-up according to different age groups or content to be conveyed - are vividly displayed. Teachers discuss how to involve students in classroom rule-making and how to establish a positive environment based on mutual respect. Practical and immediately applicable advice is presented for managing today's classrooms in a positive way, for diverse students. 29 Minutes. Copyright 2006. Magna Systems. Catalog Number: MG-1162-06-DVD. ISBN: 1-55740-248-5.

Communication And Professional Growth: This program helps build communication skills and helps new teachers grow as professionals. Viewers see how to establish good relationships with children by getting to know them and creating a climate of mutual respect. Valuable tips are given on how to communicate productively with parents, how to conduct parent conferences and how to communicate with other staff members. 29 Minutes. Copyright 2006 Magna Systems. Catalog Number: MG-1163-06-DVD. ISBN: 1-55740-249-3.


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