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In a primary school

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Performance management of teachers can be a critical part of school improvement, as this close-up look at one school's story shows. When Sue Riddle-Harte took over as headteacher at John Stainer Pr...

Performance management of teachers can be a critical part of school improvement, as this close-up look at one school's story shows. When Sue Riddle-Harte took over as headteacher at John Stainer Primary in 2001 the school had been in special measures for over four years. By 2006, it was the third most improved primary school in the country. Riddle-Harte says working with teachers to develop a clear picture of their skills and capabilities, starting with their own self-assessment, was key to their progress. Now the school has performance management at its heart and when the academic year begins, teachers sit down with the head to decide on targets for improving pupil performance as well as their own professional development. This programme follows Year 4 teacher Shermane Okodudu during a mid-term review, as the headteacher observes a lesson, gives her feedback, and, on the basis of the school's pupil tracker data, discusses with her whether she's on course to achieve her targets.


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