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Chirag = Cirāga : īṣṭamainakalara = Cirāg̲h̲ : isṭamaynakara

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Ajay Singh, the only son of a rich and traditional Thakur family and Asha Chibber fall in love and get married with the approval of Gayatridevi, mother of Ajay Singh. After seven years Asha is expe...

Ajay Singh, the only son of a rich and traditional Thakur family and Asha Chibber fall in love and get married with the approval of Gayatridevi, mother of Ajay Singh. After seven years Asha is expected to give birth to a baby as a heir to the Singh family. Unfortunately, she was not able to do so and loses her eye-sight in an accident and becomes dependent on Ajay. Frustrated at this, Gayetridevi decides to ask Asha to leave the house, and arranges a second marriage for Ajay, with results that will change the lives of everyone around them.


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