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Allende mi abuelo Allende = Beyond my grandfather Allende


More than 40 years have passed since a military coup in Chile deposed the democratically elected government of President Salvador Allende. The death of Allende and the years of military dictatorshi...

More than 40 years have passed since a military coup in Chile deposed the democratically elected government of President Salvador Allende. The death of Allende and the years of military dictatorship that followed have left deep scars in both the country and in Allende's immediate family. In Beyond my grandfather Allende (Allende mi abuelo Allende), his granddaughter Marcia Tambutti Allende goes in search of Salvador Allende the man. She attempts to reconstruct the past through informal interviews with her family, quickly discovering that they don't talk about 'Chico,' as he was affectionately known. Memories of him have been buried deep and seem too painful to drag up. Nevertheless, the filmmaker's aged grandmother slowly but surely becomes accustomed to her compassionate but sharp interviewing style and starts to talk more about Allende, her marriage and her role as the president's wife. Other members of the family, many of whom never knew Allende personally, also start to talk.


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