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SNCC 50th Anniversary Conference. Volume 14, The impact and influence of SNCC on American society 1960 to 1968

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SNCC 50th Anniversary Conference Volume 14 - The Impact and Influence of SNCC on American Society 1960 to 1968 FEATURED SPEAKERS: Vincent Harding (SNCC and SCLC Advisor), Charles Payne (Professor, ...

SNCC 50th Anniversary Conference Volume 14 - The Impact and Influence of SNCC on American Society 1960 to 1968 FEATURED SPEAKERS: Vincent Harding (SNCC and SCLC Advisor), Charles Payne (Professor, University of Chicago), Taylor Branch (Author), Clayborne Carson (Professor, Stanford University), Tom Hayden (Students for a Democratic Society). This panel, says Vincent Harding, is a "beautiful combination of scholars with the warm, warm blood of social activism running through their lives." The panelists present insights on SNCC drawn from their years of careful study of the Southern Freedom Movement. Clayborne Carson, author of In Struggle: SNCC and the Awakening of Black America, describes the outbreak of sit-ins as the "beginning of a new period of struggle." "And SNCC", says Charles Payne, (whose book, I've Got the Light of Freedom is a definitive work on Mississippi's freedom struggle), "convinced people they could step into roles they had never played before." SNCC's national impact was great, the panel agrees, but author Taylor Branch wonders why the organization's importance remains so little-recognized.


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