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From the U.S. Army's The Big Picture television series, 1950-1975. "Filmed in Philadelphia, this episode tells the story of a historic incident that took place in 1763 when the forerunners of Phila...

From the U.S. Army's The Big Picture television series, 1950-1975.

"Filmed in Philadelphia, this episode tells the story of a historic incident that took place in 1763 when the forerunners of Philadelphia's 111th Infantry Regiment (Pennsylvania National Guard) were besieged by Indians at Fort Pitt in the midst of the French and Indian War. They were rescued by the tough troops of Britain's Black Watch--the soldiers who, because of their kilts and ferocity, were nicknamed the "ladies from hell" in World War I. Since that time in 1763, the descendants of the 111th and the Black Watch Regiment have maintained a close and friendly association. Each year the 111th in Philadelphia reserves a vacant chair at the table during the annual ceremonial mess. The vacant chair is held in honor of the Black Watch Regiment. A 25-man camera crew from the Army Pictorial Center filmed the many activities that took place in conjunction with the ceremonial mess which was held at the Union League. Coverage was also given to the first professional football game to be played in the U.S. by two teams from across the border in Canada."--National Archives and Records Administration.


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