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A hero's journey : Eric Saperston

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"Eric’s speech is based around his incredible journey (which became an award winning film) where a dare to make a trip more meaningful by a mentor turned into a four year adventure, in which he gai...

"Eric’s speech is based around his incredible journey (which became an award winning film) where a dare to make a trip more meaningful by a mentor turned into a four year adventure, in which he gained three accomplices and drove cross country making their trip work through sheer resourcefulness and tenacity, to connect and gain access to over 200 of the most successful and influential minds of our era to learn from the source what it takes to reach the pinnacle of success, what was learned from their failures, and what advise they would share to better prepare those for the road ahead. Within this speech, Eric broaches the topics of being resourceful, to “do what you can, with what you have, where you are”, being tenacious, going after your goals, and not taking “no” personally, to speak your possibility into existence, to create goals to have something to drive towards, the importance of being humble, seeking out the wisdom of those who have already achieved, finding mentors, the importance and success that goes with asking others for help, especially in new territory and areas beyond your own expertise, the importance of dynamic communication, speaking and being able to listen, collaboration, and to do excellently whatever it is you commit to doing." --


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