Manuscripts, Theses


Author / Creator
Nye, Loris Bulla
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Nye uses the diary to record and track personal goals for herself for the year 1941, beginning in January and continuing to the end of the year. She divides the goals into sections for Financial, P...

Nye uses the diary to record and track personal goals for herself for the year 1941, beginning in January and continuing to the end of the year. She divides the goals into sections for Financial, Physical, Spiritual, and Cultural; she also includes reports on housekeeping and other Minor Activities. She divides the year into quarters, reports on each section periodically, summarizes each quarter, and then summarizes the entire year. Financially, she struggles continually to balance income and expenses, but talks also of the Beach house, the Balboa house, and investing. Physically she is concerned with her weight and exercise. Spiritually, the family is Catholic and she reports on religious obligations and attendence. Culturally, her goals are to read "good books", attend plays, and improve her bridge game. While trying to economize, she mentions refusing an invitation to a tea and shower for Deanna Durbin before her wedding to avoid the expenses, but does attend the wedding and sends a gift. In December, she records war being declared with Japan and mentions several times the uncertainties because of it and possible shortages of some foods. Throughout the diary, she records taking care of bills and taxes, paying her son's tuition, etc., but only occasionally mentions her husband, whom she calls "Pop." At the end is a list of Christmas gifts and recipients. Because this is not a diary, few events are recorded, but it still provides a good picture of her life.


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