Citation Data


Ayer, Sarah Newman Connell, 1791-1835., author. Diary of Sarah Connell Ayer : Andover and Newburyport, Massachusetts; Concord and Bow, New Hampshire; Portland and Eastport, Maine. Portland, Me. :Lefavor-Tower company, 1910.


Ayer, Sarah Newman Connell, 1791-1835., author. (1910). Diary of Sarah Connell Ayer : Andover and Newburyport, Massachusetts; Concord and Bow, New Hampshire; Portland and Eastport, Maine. Portland, Me. :Lefavor-Tower company,


Ayer, Sarah Newman Connell, 1791-1835., author. Diary of Sarah Connell Ayer : Andover and Newburyport, Massachusetts; Concord and Bow, New Hampshire; Portland and Eastport, Maine. Portland, Me. :Lefavor-Tower company, 1910.

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