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The standing leg

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Deborah Vogel explores the problems dancers have in stabilizing the standing leg so that the working leg can move freely and fully. The three major problems covered in this video are: 1. Keeping th...

Deborah Vogel explores the problems dancers have in stabilizing the standing leg so that the working leg can move freely and fully. The three major problems covered in this video are: 1. Keeping the pelvis upright while shifting to one leg while the working leg goes back to tendu or arabesque; 2. Keeping the pelvis from rotating inward as you work the gesture leg; 3. The inability of the abdominals to stabilize the pelvis/torso while the legs and arms are gesturing. Deborah works with student dancers in this video, and shows you how to increase your ability to identify, evaluate, and correct these common problems. Learn the "miracle stretch" which will increase the height of your arabesque. Learn abdominal exercises (not crunches) which actively train you to stabilize your pelvis in the upright position. In the end, you will gain a deeper understanding of the important anatomical factors which will allow you to move and balance more effortlessly and gracefully on the standing leg.


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