Citation Data


Dorr, John Van N. (John Van Nostrand), 1910-. Physiographic, Stratigraphic and Structural Development of the Quadrilátero Ferríferro Minas Gerais, Brazil. Washington :U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1969.


Dorr, John Van N. (John Van Nostrand), 1910-. (1969). Physiographic, stratigraphic and structural development of the Quadrilátero Ferríferro Minas Gerais, Brazil. Washington :U.S. Govt. Print. Off.,


Dorr, John Van N. (John Van Nostrand), 1910-. Physiographic, Stratigraphic and Structural Development of the Quadrilátero Ferríferro Minas Gerais, Brazil. Washington :U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1969.

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