Includes bibliographical references (pages [567]-596) and index.
Revolutionary warfare and counterinsurgency -- Revolutionary warfare: how to tell when the rebels have won -- Radical but wrong -- Counterinsurgency -- Epilogue: the lessons of Vietnam -- PLO and ANC: painful contrasts -- Iran's landmark revolution: fifteen years later -- The making of The Battle of Algiers -- Algeria began badly: remembering Sidi Mohammed -- Third world politics: pathologies of power, pathologies of resistance -- From potato sack to potato mash: the contemporary crisis of the Third World -- Postcolonial systems of power -- The neofascist state: notes on the pathology of power in the Third World -- War of the rentier states -- Islam and politics -- Roots of the religious right -- On the cusp of the cold war: portents of a new century -- The cold war from the standpoint of its victims -- Political culture and foreign policy: notes on American interventions in the Third World -- The cold war from the standpoint of its victims -- Yet again a new Nixon -- Cracks in the western world (view): questions for the US and Europe -- After the cold war: worlds of pain -- At cold war's end: a world of pain -- Terrorism: theirs and ours -- A time to remember -- Welcome war in Bosnia -- America's Gulf war: neglected perspectives -- The hundred-hour war -- Covering the Middle East -- After the winter bombs -- The Palestinian-Israeli conflict: colonization in the era of decolonization -- Pioneering in the nuclear age: an essay on Israel and the Palestinians -- 'A world restored' revisited: American diplomacy in the Middle East -- An essay on reconciliation -- On Arab bankruptcy -- The public relations of ethnocide -- Peace of the weak -- Beyond Arafat's antics -- An address in Gaza -- King Hussein's dual legacy -- South Asia -- Partitioned lands, divided sentiments -- On Jinnah -- Jinnah, in a class of his own -- The betrayed promise -- Pakistan's military -- Letter to a Pakistani diplomat -- Pakistan: signposts to a police state -- General Zia is now the law -- Afghanistan -- Bloody games -- Stalemate at Jalalabad -- In a land without music -- Taliban's unlikely story -- What after 'strategic depth'? -- Jihad international, inc -- Kashmir and India-Pakistan conflict -- Beyond mutual destruction -- India's obsession, our choice -- When mountains die -- No alternative to dialogue -- Pakistan: the return of the generals -- No, not again! -- The signals soldiers pick -- Shotgun governance