Interior spread of artists book titled, 2219

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  • WHA Radio Broadcasts : Early Years of Wisconsin Public Radio

    The WHA Radio Broadcasts collection includes digitized selections from the University of Wisconsin-Madison Archives's holdings of over 7,000 transcription discs that capture early broadcasts from Wisconsin Public Radio. Wisconsin Public Radio first…

  • People of the Sturgeon

    People of the Sturgeon: Wisconsin's Love Affair with an Ancient Fish is a tale of the cultural and scientific history of an iconic Wisconsin fish, the lake sturgeon. Throughout the process of writing the book, the authors interviewed community acti…

  • Sheboygan County Historical Documents

    This collection provides snapshots into the social, economic, and political history of Sheboygan County. The Sheboygan Centennial and Homecoming Souvenir booklets provide historical information from the period of the early Native American settlemen…

  • Sahiyar's Grassroots Feminist Political Posters in India

    Welcome to Sahiyar and the University of Wisconsin's digital archive of grassroots feminist posters from India. India has been home to a vibrant women's movement (or rather women's movements) with a global influence. Historically, grassroots women'…

  • Longridge Ceramics Collection

    The Longridge Ceramics Collection has been called the finest private collection of British delft and slipware in the world. Over 500 ceramic objects are presented here, with photographs of full views and selected details, accompanied by short descr…

  • University of Wisconsin-Madison Zoology Museum Collection

    The University of Wisconsin–Madison Zoological Museum provides support of zoological research within the Department of Zoology, throughout the state and region, nationally and internationally by collecting, curating and managing, and making availab…

  • Images of Angkor Wat

    This collection of 120 photos was taken by Miss Margaret Parx Hays during her Christmas vacation to Siem Reap in 1954 while she was stationed in Manila as a Consul of the American State Department. Taken ninety years after Henri Mouhot's first visi…

  • Pharmaceutical Trade Catalog Collection

    The Pharmaceutical Trade Catalog Collection is one of the specialized holdings of the American Institute of the History of Pharmacy located at the UW-Madison School of Pharmacy. It is comprised of nearly 500 volumes dating from 1829 to 2000. Phar…