Sarcophagus with Allegory of the Four Seasons

Featured Collections

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  • Cultural Landscape of the UW–Madison Campus

    The Cultural Landscape of the UW-Madison Campus image gallery was developed as a research tool to support a two-year effort to inventory and assess cultural landscape resources on the University of Wisconsin-Madison main campus. The study will culm…

  • Sheboygan County Historical Documents

    This collection provides snapshots into the social, economic, and political history of Sheboygan County. The Sheboygan Centennial and Homecoming Souvenir booklets provide historical information from the period of the early Native American settlemen…

  • Images of Commemorative Fabrics from Africa

    Commemorative Fabrics from Africa is a collection of machine-made commemorative textiles from various African countries. This collection provides researchers access to digitized fabrics that are printed with images and text documenting events and i…

  • Images of Angkor Wat

    This collection of 120 photos was taken by Miss Margaret Parx Hays during her Christmas vacation to Siem Reap in 1954 while she was stationed in Manila as a Consul of the American State Department. Taken ninety years after Henri Mouhot's first visi…

  • Historic USGS Topographic Maps of Wisconsin

    The UW Robinson Map Library partnered with the United States Geological Survey (USGS) in a pilot project aimed at digitizing the entire collection of Wisconsin's topographic maps. This scanning project resulted in a digital archive of over 2,000 ma…

  • Documents Relating to Native American Affairs

    This sub-collection presents United States government records that document debate and decisions related to Native American affairs. The collection currently includes Documents Relating to the Negotiation of Ratified and Unratified Treaties With Va…

  • Wisconsin Goes to War

    Wisconsin Goes to War brings together primary and secondary materials which highlight the history of the people of Wisconsin during wartime, including of stories of those serving at home or overseas, and also how it affected life back home. The mat…

  • Human Ecology Collection

    Human ecology is an academic discipline that deals with the relationship between humans and their natural, social and created environments. Human ecology investigates how humans and human societies interact with nature and with their environment. T…