Black petition demands and march

Featured Collections

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  • New Glarus and Green County Local History

    In 1845 emigrants from the canton of Glarus in Switzerland, leaving their homeland because of dire economic conditions, established a colony in southern Wisconsin and named it New Glarus. Over the following years, more Swiss from various cantons se…

  • History of the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay Collection

    The History of UW-Green Bay Collection includes 400 images that represent a cross-section of this campus's history and evolution.  They document the campus selection site, construction of all campus buildings, student life, academic activities, pol…

  • Folk Figures : A Survey of Norwegian and Norwegian-American Artifacts in The Upper Midwest

    This collection brings together, in digital form, a virtual exhibit of objects ranging from the 17th century through the 1930's that depict animals, humans, birds, fish, or supernatural figures. These figures provide unique insight into the folk be…

  • Latin American Cartonera Publishers Collection

    The cartonera publishing phenomenon began in Buenos Aires in 2003 and was spearheaded by writers and artists interested in reconfiguring the conditions in which literary art is produced and consumed. They came up with a progressive new publishing …

  • Sheboygan County Historical Documents

    This collection provides snapshots into the social, economic, and political history of Sheboygan County. The Sheboygan Centennial and Homecoming Souvenir booklets provide historical information from the period of the early Native American settlemen…

  • East Asian Collection

    The East Asian Collection includes historical images that present a visual archive of 20th century East Asian cultural heritage. Currently, the collection consists of images that document early 20th century China including the the Sino-Japanese Con…

  • UW Campus Humor Publications

    The University of Wisconsin has a long tradition of entertaining our campus community through a variety of publications that poke fun at the University and its faculty, students, traditions, daily life and other elements of Wisconsin collegiate exp…

  • The American Founding Period

    Since its founding in 1981, the Center for the Study of the American Constitution (CSAC) has sought opportunities to disseminate knowledge acquired through editing The Documentary History of the Ratification of the Constitution to a broader audienc…