4. Other industrial development should be located in planned industrial districts which meet the following standards:
a. Ready access to the arterial street and highway system.
b. Direct access to mass transit facilities.
c. Available adequate water supply.
d. Available adequate public sanitary sewer service.
e. Available adequate stormwater drainage facilities.
f. Available adequate power supply.
g. Site covered by soils identified in the regional soils survey as having slight or moderate limitations for industrial development.
5. Other commercial development, which includes activities primarily associated with the sale of convenience goods and services, should
be contained within the residential planning units, the total minimum area devoted to the commercial use varying with the residential
density as follows:
a. In low-density urban areas, land devoted to local commercial centers should comprise at least 0.5 percent of the total gross
neighborhood area, or about 3.2 acres per square mile of gross neighborhood area.
b. In medium-density urban areas, land devoted to local commercial centers should comprise at least 1.0 percent of the total gross
neighborhood area, or about 6.4 acres per square mile of gross neighborhood area.
c. In high-density urban areas, land devoted to local commercial centers should comprise at least 1.5 percent of the total gross
neighborhood area, or about 9.6 acres per square mile of gross neighborhood area.
The preservation and provision of open spacex to enhance the total quality of the regional environment, maximize essential natural
resource availability, give form and structure to urban development, and facilitate the ultimate attainment of a balanced year-round public
outdoor recreational program providing a full range of facilities for all age groups.
Open space is the fundamental element required for the preservation, wise use, and development of such natural resources as soil, water,
woodlands, wetlands, native vegetation, and wildlife; it provides the opportunity to add to the physical, intellectual, and spiritual growth
of the population; it enhances the economic and aesthetic value of certain types of development; and it is essential to outdoor recrea-
tional pursuits.
1. Major park and recreation sites providing opportunities for a variety of resource-oriented outdoor recreational activities should be
provided within a 10-mile service radius of every dwelling unit in the Region, and should have a minimum gross site area of 250 acres.
2. Other park and recreation sites should be provided within a maximum service radius of one mile of every dwelling unit in an urban area,
and should have a minimum gross site area of five acres.
3. Areas having unique scientific, cultural, scenic, or educational value should not be allocated to any urban or agricultural land uses;
adjacent surrounding areas should be retained in open space use, such as agricultural or limited recreational uses.
4. As appropriate, open space located in cluster design and planned unit development projects, or accompanying development of privately
owned recreation facilities, should be made accessible to the public.
The preservation of land areas to provide for agriculture, provide a reserve or holding area for future urban and rural needs, and ensure
the preservation of those rural areas which provide wildlife habitat and which are essential to shape and order urban development.

Agricultural areas, in addition to providing food and fiber, can supply significant wildlife habitat; contribute to maintaining an ecological
balance between plants and animals; offer locations proximal to urban centers for the production of certain food commodities which may
require nearby population concentrations for an efficient production-distribution relationship; provide opportunities for agricultural and