DIPLOMATIC CORRESPONDENCE.                     345 
Mr. Seward to Mr. Wood. 
No. 92.]                             DEPARTMENT OF STATE, 
Washington, August 27, 1864. 
SIR: Your despatches from No. 163 to 166, inclusive, have been received.

The information they communicate relative to the questions at issue between

Denmark and Germany is very interesting. 
Touching the question submitted in the accompaniment to your No. 163, I am

not at present able to form a correct opinion, on account of a want of sufficient

knowledge of the facts in the case. It would appear, however, that the voyage

of the vessel referred to must have been in violation of our own laws, and
owner of the cotton, presupposing him to be an insurgent, is clearly entitled
no reclamation. 
I am, sir, your obedient servant, 
BRADFORD R. WOOD, Esq., 4c., 4c., 4-c., Copenhagen.