DIPLOMATIC CORRESPONDENCE.                    313 
Mr. Harvey to Mr. Seward. 
No. 280.]                       LEGATION OF THE UNITED STATES, 
Lisbon, June 1, 1864. 
SIR: His Majesty's government ordered a census of the kingdom and the 
colonies to be taken on the 31st of December last, and I now transmit a resume

of the results, which, although not published officially, is accepted as
being in 
the main correct. 
The returns from the Indian and African possessions have not yet been made

known. This census is far from being considered perfect, because the mode

adopted left it quite discretionary with the population to fill up the printed

forms furnished by the government correctly, incorrectly, or.not at all.
judice was excited among the uneducated classes f-om a belief that the census

was intended as a means of increasing taxation, consequently many made no

report, and others made such as best suited their supposed interests. 
The population of this capital and its environs, in spite of defective returns,

sums up much larger than the common estimate allowed it. A very consider-

able growth has been noticeable in the last few years, which many adverse

causes have not been able to retard. The industrious, enterprising, and 
emigrating Portuguese of the north, who seek and make fortunes in Brazil

generally adopt Lisbon as the abode of their days of ease and plenty. 
I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, 
Secretary of Stte. 
*    *     *    *    *    .December 31, 1863. 
Angra.................72,099         Leiria................. 178,411 
Beja..................142,889        Lisbon-............... 450,180 
Braga.................. 319, 078     Ponta Delgada .........  111,456 
Braganca............    163, 746     Portalegre..............98, 756 
Castello Branco......   166,533      Porto................. 399,303 
Evoca................ 104,289      Santarem............. 202, 214 
Faro.................179, 478        Vianna de Castello.....  204, 058 
Funchal    ..........   112,164      Villa Real, (parte)......151,687 
Guarda...............214,759         Vizen..........  ...    365, 251 
Total.........................................3,636, 364 
Mr. Harvey to Mr. Seward. 
No. 281.]                        LEGATION OF THE UNITED STATES, 
Lisbon, Jane 7, 1864. 
SIR: The regular and final session of the present Cortes draws near to its

close after repeated prorogations. Most of the. legislation has been of a
character, relating in the main to improvements which have grown out of the

progress which Portugal is beginning to feel sensibly and beneficially. 
The law of all others which excited most attention and controversy, because

it affected the largest interests, was that abolishing what is popularly
known by 
the name of the "tobacco monopoly." For many years past the government