will observe that, notwithstanding the diminution of 10 per cent. inthe deduc-

tion on the pay of public employes, the. ordinary income.fully covers the
nary expenses, thus attesting a-marked improvement in the financial conditions

of the country. 
The budget for the colonial provinces, made up as much as possible under

,the s'ame system and.principles, will be ready in a short time, it now only
ing the work of the local juntas, which has been ,delayed by the great distances

from the kingdom. 
Besides the several important subjects which remained pending since the last

session, especially such as refer to public instruction, administration,
and police, 
all which will no doubt receive the benefitof your enlightened zeal and co-

operation, the ministers of the respective departments will submit to you,
other measures, the proposals for the abolition and substitution of the pain
death, and the corresponding modification in the penal code; the reform in
commercial code *with regard.to the-form of process; for the abolition of
the to- 
bacco monopoly, establishing a free manufacture and sale in the kingdom 
its culture in the Azores and Madeira islands; for improvement in sanitary
for a reform in sundry branches of public instruction; for the reorganization
.public charities; for the remodelling of the consulates of the empire of
for a reform in the law of 'mines; "for a reduction of the tariff of
for a reform in the police service of the ports and on the coasts; for modifying

the naval recruiting; for the approval of a national colonial bank; to regulate

the pensioning of colonial employe's; to improve the condition of the same

whilst in actual service; for sundry reforms concerning the better application
public instruction in those provissions; for the attorney generalship at
and sundry other special measures in the colonial provinces. 
The government~will likewise render you an account of the use made of the

several authorizations confided to it, and will submit, for your approval,
the de- 
.crees relating to the colonies, which were published in virtue of the additional

act of the charter. 
I. trust that with the Divine help you will accord all your care and patriotic

attention to the public requirements, and tothe examination of the grave
of economy and administration which require to be enlightened and decided

upon, for the honor of the nation, for the credit of our institutions, for
the im- 
provement and aggrandizement of our country, and for the glory.and prosperity

of this nation so worthy of all solicitude. 
The session is hereby opened. 
Mr. larvey to r. ,Seward. 
-No. 251.]                       LEGATION OF THE UNITED STATES, 
-Lisbon, January 20, 1864. 
SIR: The accompanying copy of a note from the -Duke de Soule, in answer 
to one which I addressed to him on the 14th instant, in reference to the
of piratical cruisers in Portuguese ports, was only received last night,
dated on the 16th instant. 
This reply necessarily precludes any further representation on my part to

his Majesty's government at the present point of time; but if an occasion
occur, as I hope it may not, I shall not hesitate to discharge the duty which
change of circumstances may require. 
If the authorities of the island now act in good faith and with sufficient

resolution, the armed cruisers which seek those remote ports for military
plies will be foiled in their iniquitous designs, and our commerce will be
a renewal of the criminal depredations to which it has been heretofore subjected.