DIPLOMATIC CORRESPONDENCE.                         221 
the Prussian minister at the Frankfort Diet, which body likewise had issued
protest, to declare that the occupation was a purely military measure, which
no means involved a withdrawal of the troops of the federal execution; and
being so, that there were no good reasons why these troops should not return.

It is likely that the affair will be compromised, but the end of difficulties
is by 
no means yet. 
The under secretary of state of the Foreign Office, Herr Von Thile, has 
received leave of absence, and his place has been assumed by Herr Von Balan,

late Prussian minister at Copenhagen and delegate to the London conference.

The King will be absent from Berlin until the end of August, and before return-

ing will proceed to Vienna, to pay a visit to the Emperor of Austria. All
d' chefs," too, of the various foreign missions here are now absent.

Late events at home have given occasion to Herr Von Bismarck's semi-official

organ, "The Nord Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung," to display great
and partiality for the rebel cause, and in its zealous wishes for the downfall
republican government, and the further establishment of monarchical institutions

on the American continent, it indulges in the grossest misrepresentations
ing our armies and finances. I have so far refrained from making any reclama-

tions at the ministry of foreign affairs against its infamous and slanderous

course, but I deem it my duty to take notice of and communicate the facts
you. The relations of the journal in question to Herr Von Bismarck are such

that I feel quite justified in believing that in these aspersions to our
cause it 
reflects his sentiments. I await your directions whether or not, in case
of a 
thateuimister atsthfeFankfortev it hic hesedyaspeisetoh asusedit 
continuance, I am to bring the matter to the notice of the Foreign Office
and ask 
for explanations. 
A grossly false statement, with the view of discouraging emigration, concern-

,beingn thtthepeidirg in Congress, on the subject ofoencouraging immigra-

tion, having appeared in a German illustrated paper of immense cir'culation,

published at Leipsig, to the effect that the measure proposed by you was
but a 
recruiting contrivance, and coupling with this falsehood others as to our
and national debt, I sent the article to Mr. Mothershead, our consul, requesting

Shim to cause the editor of that paper to correct his misstatements.  r.
head promptly did so, and the correction was published. I have also made

arrangements that all such papers as copied the original article shall print
correction. In connexion with this subject, I beg you will cause a number
copies of the act encouraging immigration, as finally passed, to be forwarded
this legation as early as convenient. I will translate it inf   German and
get it 
inserted in as many journals as possible. 
I am, sir, your obedient servant, 
Secretary of State, washington, D. C. 
Mr. Kreismann to MrI. Seward. 
:No, 26.]                             UNITED STATES LEGATION, 
Berlin, August 23, 1864. 
Sing   I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your despatch No. ii,

dated July 28, 1864. 
Another of the three vesecls built at Bordeaux for the insurgents, but now

transferred to Prussia, the Victori, a steam corvette, the mate to the Augusta,

late Yedo, has been completed, and her speedy arrival at Cuxhafen, Hamburg,

where she is to receive her armament and crew, is looked for by the Prussian