Page 19.

   dering. He was Wales' 16th century rascal. (2)Dr.

   William Price of Llantristant, who died at 93 in

   1893, after a stormy career of defiance of current

   ideas and customs, attempting to restore pagan

   Druidism, wearing a fox-skin cap, with horns,

   chanting salutations to the moon, shocking the

   community by cremating his son, often a few Jumps

   ahead of the police, a vegetarian, a father at

   90 and a life-long rebel.

       The bardic tradition is precious. In the 12th

  century the bards constituted an order, going

  from house to house, attached to a chieftain's

  household and teaching his children. But they

  flourished still earlier in the 5th century(Tali-

  esiA, Aneurin, Llywarch Hen) and 700-950, the

  epic Period. The conquest of 1282 silenced the

  muse. Then came the Golden Age of the Cywydd, with

  the great Dafydd ab Gwilym, rated by George Borrow

as the greatest poetical genius since the revival

of literature. Ivor Hael was his patron, and he

sang chiefly of nature and beautiful women. Iolo

Goch voiced the national aspiration under Glyndwr.