words, "He that thinketh he standeth let him take heed lest he fall."
God took kindly to the two sons of Noah for going backward with a
garment to cover their father when he fell under the feet of temptation.
We also feel like doing the same with the memory of this noted father
of Israel.
     For the next eight years the care of the church was on the Rev. David
Price and the Rev. Evan Owen, who come to our attention in other con-
nections in the book.
     REV. THOMAS ROBERTS.-Mr. Roberts was a young man likeable
in appearance and conduct when he settled as pastor of Bethel Church in
1888. He labored here four years with commendable persistence and
devotion. He then went to shepherd the church in the city of Utica, N. Y.,
whose new and beautiful house of worship we saw when visiting him in
1893. A picture of this good and faithful servant will be found in this
     REV. EDWARD G. ROBERTS.-After about four years, when they
depended on the Rev. Mr. Price, occasional sermons of the pastor
of Elo Church and those of the presiding elder, the present minister
came, in the beginning of 1896, to shepherd the church. This brother
desires to be among us as Melchizedek, "without father, without mother,
without descent, having neither beginning of days nor end of life."
came to us from North Wales, and his wife and two young children a
short time after him. It can be supposed that he too is about half way
between the beginning and the ending of his days on earth. Besides
laboring persistentlv in his own church he has been faithful in a multitude
of other circles. with God's cause in the communitv-such as the periodical
meetinos of the 'Sindav Schools. the Bible societies, funerals, temperance
meetinas ond s;rmilar thinas. May his aood influence become greater
and oreater in the years to come.


     See the external hittorv of the churrh of this denomination on paqe
114. It is said it was organized in the summer of 1849 and named
Salem, a name taken after that by the Welsh church of another denomina-
tion in the city.
    REV. EVAN S. THOMAS.-He was the third son of deacon John
Thomas, and came with his parents from the state of Ohio in 1849. (See
40, page 42.) He was the minister who established this church and who
looked after it in its beginning. He preached in Welsh and in English.
He was a minister in various places in the state, with the English; and.
quite a long period, he superintended weak churches and those without
ministers. He spent his last years in the city of Oshkosh, where he died
in full assurance of faith a short time ago. He was a strong man in the
Scriptures, pure in conduct and true to his principles. His children have
already been mentioned, many of whom are by this time heads of families
and worthy of their father in virtue.
     REV. JAMES JEFFREYS.-He was married to Elizabeth, daughter of
deacon John Thomas and a sister of the first minister of this church he was