
work so as to give better advantages to their

sons and daughters; their infinite patience and

courtesy under trying conditions. A wise man once

said,"The reason I don't love all peoples is be-

cause I don't know them."

       The Festival of Nations in St.Paul brought

38 nationalities together, with a week of real

pleasure, educational to all. In Chinese sacred

writings we read, "Within the four seas all men

are brothers." Christ said,"For whosoever shall

do the will of God, the same is my brother and

sister and mother.Two questions come down

through the ages: God said to Cain,"Where is

thy brother?" He answered, "Am I my brother's

keeper?" The world is looking to America for

leadership. We cannot, we dare not fail God

and them now!

     Address by Miss Harriet Davies, M.D.,
         Kasganj ,United Provinces, India

         While the Centennial Committee has

  asked me to speak of my experiences as a mis-

  sionary in India, my thoughts today keep going