"The Bethesda Centennial"
                        July 4-6, 1947

           "All honor to the pioneers, who trod,
           With firm, far-visioned stride, the fallow ground
           Of fair Wisconsin's soil, in which they found
           A fitting place to build! Its fertile sod
           Gave welcome to their labors; th' up-turned clod
           Brought forth abundantly, in vale and mound;
           Their faithful, patient sowing caused t' abound
           Long years of fruitful harvests, blessed by God!
           In memory of him who led the flock,
           And built an earthly fold; who stamped his name
           Upon Bethesda Church, a name with pride
           I bear, a scion of his stalwart stock,
           Who added to the Christian Cymric fame,
           A Prince of hwyl, my own honored Taid!"
                       -Sonnet by William Hiram Foulkes.

                  Bethesda Church, Nekimi
         FRIDAY, EVENING, JULY 4, 1947, AT 7:30 O'CLOCK
      Chairman: Rev. James A. Daum, First Presbyterian Church,
                          Oshkosh, Wis.
Devotions -................. .................- Rev. Trevor W illiams, Lime
 Springs, Iowa
Address of Welcome         ..... Mr. Levi Jones, General Chairman of the
                             Centennial Committee
Mixed Chorus ....................................................Mr. Moses
 Morgan, Director
A Paper by Mr. Edward Griffith-To Be Read by Rev. E. Edwin Jones,
    Columbus, Wis.
Solo ------------------------------------------------ Miss  Shirley  Roberts,
 Beaver  Dam,  W is.
Address-"The Welsh Past" -       Dr. Howell D. Davies, Chicago,
Closing Remarks