Church, in 1853-54. Up to then it was cared for by the Rev. David
Lewis and others in the vicinity. He is a gentleman in his whole manner
and style in preaching. He has received more college education than
some of his brethren, and also possesses much native ability. He spent
quite a long time as a missionary in Chilton, on the east side of Lake
Winnebago, where a number of Indians dwelt. There his family lives,
in comfortable circumstances; and there with them is he also, awaiting
the fiery chariot of the Lord Jesus to bring him home.
     REV. JOHN D. DAVIES.-This brother came to shepherd Zoar Church
 in 1854 and he was there 13 years, until 1867. He had bought a small
 farm on Section 1, town of Rosendale. His ministry is marked by sim-
 plicity, naturalness and graciousness. A summary of his sermon at the
 Jubilee Celebration will be found in this volume on pages 15-17. Also
 pictures of him and his cheerful wife. There is no limit to the praise of
 the people of the community, of all denominations, for this dear brother.
 By now he is an aged man, serving as minister in Spring Green. One
 of his daughters married the Rev. Sem Phillips.
     REV. HUMPHREY PARRY.-This brother has labored much in these
counties-in the churches of Neenah, Oshkosh, and Zoar. In his day he
was powerful of body, with a strong voice, an able speaker, an effective
man of prayer and a peacemaker among his brethren. He made better
use than many of the two great colleges-the Sunday School and nature.
Like the bee, he drew honey from everything on which his mind rested.
It was felt everywhere that he was God's messenger. The service of
brothers of his kind has been immeasurable in the past; and it would be a
dark day for religion when high degrees in a college would be more
regarded than natural qualifications and a holy disposition toward the
work of the ministry. He died in a good age and was buried near his
wife in Zoar cemetery Nov. 16, 1892, when the time of the year, the
mildness of the weather, the large number of the throng and the deeply
impressive service were all fitting to the character of the departed.
     REV. OWEN M. JENKINS.-He came to Oshkos in the '60's, a
rather young man and was ordained there to the work of the ministry.
He went from there to Bangor, Wis.; to Old Man's Creek, Iowa; and later
to Wales. At present he is minister of the Church of Llangefni, Anglesey.
A son of his is minister of a church in St. Paul, Minn.; and a daughter of
his, Miss Emlyna Jenkins, makes her home with her brother. Since this
brother's stay with us was not long, we proceed without enlarging on his
principal superiorities.
     REV. JOHN T. LEWIS.-He came to shepherd the Zoar and Oshkosh
Zion Churches Sept. 27, 1868; and he continued thus for two years. He
has had rather good educational advantages and is a fine preacher.
His body was especially feeble when here with us. He has served con-
stantly since then, in various churches, and at present is at Thomas-
town, Ohio.
    REV. JAMES VELINDRE JONES.-He came to shepherd Zoar Church
in 1873, and was there three years. He loves orderliness in all the work
of the church, which is quite an item toward assuring success. He is still