Page 8.

Ganu (Song Festival) at Peniel Church, was inspired

and mentioned it in his last book, "Old World Wis-

consin", pages 197-198, with pictures of Moses Morgan

on page 191 and Peniel Church on page 192. People

gather from far and near for this annual event. 

 I have asked Miss Shirley Roberts of Beaver

Dam, Wis.,to sing "Open the Gates of the Temple" at

the conclusion of this paper in honor of her great

grandfather, Rev. John E. Williams, who opened the

gates of Peniel Church on March 14th, 1857. 

Address by Rev. Howell D. Davies, D.D.,
Oak Park, Ill. 

We shall deal with the past of (1) Wales
and of (2) the Oshkosh, Wis., Welsh Settlement. 

A. OF WALES. It was one of

 1. Tenacity of nationality. The persist-

ence of "Gallant Little Wales" (Jeannette Marks) in

culture, religion, and simple identity is amazing, 

considering the smallness of the country and the

fewness of its people. 136 miles long, or 10 miles

less than the distance from Fond du Lac to