
close of the last century. "I don't envy those who

carry the battle of Christianity in the 20th cen-

tury." Then the old man paused and said, "Yes,

perhaps I do, but it will be a stiff fight." It

has been all of that, and more. The first half of

this century has seen one of the most destructive

wars. Then it has been a time of wide conflict be-

tween the secular and materialistic concept of

life over against the life rooted in God and lived

for His glory. One of my early pastorates was in

the state of Washington. We used to spend our va-

cations on the seaside and we loved to swim in the

surf. Sometimes the tide would be sweeping

against us. Sometimes was if it was sweeping

us out into the sea. It seems to me as if the tide

has been going against Christian work for the

most part in this century. The drif has been

away from God. The tide has been against the

church and what it has sought to do. Yet in such

a time the forces of Christ have made great ad-

vancements. The modern missionary movement has

carried the Gospel to almost every part of