590. Osmium Vapour for Blood-corpuscles (Dr. Schmidt's          51
formula ').-Expose a drop of blood to the vapour of a 2 per Ae
cent. osmic-acid solution for two or three minutes and mount    addti
in glycerin. If acetate of potash be used for mounting it tion,
will render the corpuscles indistinct in a very short time.       be lx
591. Blood of Birds (Methyl-Violet) (Bizzozero and Torre's     hdk
method 2).-Dilute a drop of blood with 075 per cent. salt-       %5
solution in which has been dissolved a little methyl-violet.      vein).
This liquid in nowise affects the form of the elements, stains fee
intensely the nucleus of the red corpuscles, and, in the white,   Or,oW
stains the nucleus intensely, and the protoplasm less intensely.  Of th
May be used for the study of bone-marrow and spleen.              tivel
592. Bone-marrow     (Bizzozero and   Torre's method 3).-       Ri
Miller's solution three days, then hang up in a cylinder of     sgeu
commercial alcohol, which change frequently till it remains       avoid
colourless. Water ten minutes, then gum-solution twenty-           Bh
four hours; commercial alcohol slightly diluted with water         t
until the gum is hardened. Sections: picro-carmine (on the        ef De
slide) two hours; glycerin.    (It is important not to use        hner
water for washing out the picro-carmine as that would             1abb
deprive the red blood-corpuscles of their yellow stain.) k
593. Blood (Stirling's methods 4).-Osmic acid (1 per cent.)     je
five minutes, picro-carmine with a trace of glycerin three or     oI
four hours. For blood and epitheliumu-cells.                      ion
Picric acid, saturated solution, five minutes ; picro-carmine    I
with a trace of glycerin, one hour.     Mount in Farrant's        V
medium or glycerin. For blood.                                    hE
(In both these cases the operation is carried out on the        dih
slide by mixing a drop of blood with a drop of the fixing         in
solution, which is subsequently removed with blotting-paper       aci
in the usual way.) the
S'Journ. Roy. Mic. Soc.,' i (1878), p. 75.
2 Archivio per le scienze mediche,' vol. iv, No. 18 (1880), p. 390.  a
Ibid., p. 405.                                               MOE
'Journ. of Anat. and Phys.,' xv (1881), p. 349.