visible as soon as they are mounted. They are to be dehyd-
rated in absolute alcohol, cleared in oil of anise-seed of 0-99
sp. gr., and 1-811 refractive index, and mounted in dammar.
The method gives in some cases very striking differentiations,
but the results are by no means constant, and do not admit of    t S
being generalised.                                               duila
191. Gold Chloride and Anilin (for growing bone) (Stirling's   F 1
method').-Tail of young rat.-Remove the skin, divide into        W
small pieces, which treat as follows: lemon juice, five minutes;  f  a
wash water; gold chloride, 1 per cent., an hour or an hour and    bUl
a half ; wash; formic acid 25 per cent., twenty-four hours (in     l
the dark). Decalcify with chromic and nitric acid. Keep in
alcohol. Sections stained with (e.g.) alcoholic solution of
rosein, followed by aqueous solution of iodine-green. Mount      Stain in
in dammar.
192. Gold Chloride and Saffranin (Pfitzner's method).-       soluti
Gold chloride 1 per cent., with a trace of HC1, fifteen to thirty  spadiE
minutes, in the dark; wash; reduce in daylight (twelve to        h
twenty-four hours) in 5 per cent. formic acid; wash; and        ilhOSPI
stain with saffranin. Mount in dammar. For epidermis of          0ut, I
tadpoles.                                                         I, 1
193. Atlas Scarlet and Anilin-Blue (Bichardson's method    .  lf4
-Stain in a " deeply tinted watery solution of atlas scarlet,
made by adding drop by drop to filtered water a very deeply        Pi(
coloured solution of the scarlet in Price's glycerin. To the      daity,
watery solution a few drops of alcohol may be added. Examine
the sections from time to time, say every third day," until they  !d[
are found to be stained of a deep scarlet tint. Wash in          ages
methylated spirit. Stain for from fifteen to twenty minutes      Rndtl
in a " blue watery solution, made by adding a drop or two of      u
a deep-coloured solution of soluble blue in glycerin to filtered  10 J
1 'Journ. of Anat. and Physiol.,' xv (1881), p. 354.
2 'Morph. Jahrb.,' vii (1882), p. 731. 'Journ. Roy. Mic. Soc.' N.S.), ii
(1882), p. 883.
3 ' Journ. Roy. Mic. Soc.' (N.S.), i (1881), p. 573.

