11 '

The intra-cellular processes of the cilia.-The entire intra-
cellular fibre-apparatus may be isolated by teasing fresh
epithelium from the intestine of a Lamellibranch (e. g. Ano-
donta) in either bichromate of potash of 4 per cent., or salt-
solution of 10 per cent. To get good views of the apparatus
in sit in the body of the cell, macerate for not more than an
hour in concentrated solution of boracic or salicylic acid.
Very dilute osmic acid (e. g. 0*1 per cent.) gives also good
results. The " lateral cells " of the gills are best treated with
strong boracic-acid solution (5 parts cold saturated aqueous
solution to 1 part water).
For Vertebrata, the above-mentioned reagents are not
successful. For these, maceration for twenty-four hours in
one-third alcohol, or for a day in Miiller's solution, is recom-
609. Terrestrial Pulmonata. Foot-glands (Sochaczewer's
method ').-Portions of the foot, containing the foot-glands,
are hardened in - per cent. osmic acid. The excess of acid is
rinsed away and the specimens placed for from four to five
days in chromic acid of 1 per cent., or bichromate of potash
of 4 to 6 per cent. They are then washed out with a mixture
of glycerin, water, and alcohol, and brought into absolute
alcohol. This gives preparations of the consistence of carti-
lage, and with a Rivet-Leiser microtome sections of 1 to
1   mm., may be cut. They are best double-stained with
picro-carmine and heematoxylin.
For maceration, put for three or four days into osmic acid
of " to - per cent., or for five to six days into I per cent.
chromic acid.
610. Lamellibranchiata. Pallial Nerves (Vialleton's me-
thod2)-A fresh piece of the mantle is treated as follows:
Lemon-juice, fifteen minutes; gold chloride, 1 per cent.,

I ' Zeit. wiss. Zool.,' xxxv (1881), p. 40.
2 'Comptes rendus,' 1882 (2me s6rie), p. 461.