salicylic acid in 100 parts of pyroligneous acid. The pyro-
ligneous acid should be of 1-04 specific gravity, and should be
of a pale yellow colour. This product is found in commerce
and may be obtained from Herrn J. M. Andrece, Droguerie-
Handlung, Frankfurt a. M.
First formula.
One vol. salicylic vinegar to 10 vols. of the following dilute
glycerin: viz. glycerin 1 vol., water 2 vols.
For various Larve, Hydroe, Nematodes, &c.
Second formula.
One vol. salicylic vinegar to 10 vols. of the following dilute
glycerin: viz. glycerin 1 vol., water 4 vols.
For Infusoria.
323. Salicylic Vinegar and Gum Medium (Noll's method')
-A mixture of equal vols. of Meyer's second fluid (ante, last
formula) and Farrant's medium (post, No. 330).
This mixture never becomes turbid and does not dry up.
The covers may be luted with asphalt or any other cement.
The fluid answers admirably for delicate Crustaces and their
larve, the preparations do not shrink, and are not too much
cleared. It also answers well for hardened and stained pre-
parations of Hydroids, small Meduse, and other ccelenterates.
324. Alcoholic Sublimate Solution (Gibson's formula 2):
Alcohol of 60 per cent.   .    .    60 c.c.
Water                          .    30 ,,
Glycerin   .    .    .    .    .    30
Acetic acid (15 parts of the glacial
to 85 of water)    .    .    .     2
Bichloride.     .    .    .    .     015 grammes.
325. Chloride and Acetate of Copper (Ripart et -Petit's
formula') :
I ' Zool. Anz.,' vi (1883), p. 472.
2 Carnoy, ' La Biologie Cellulaire,' p. 94.
3 Ibid.