hardened in a mixture of 2 parts of a -th per cent. solution of
chromic acid and 1 part of methylated spirit, for two weeks,
stain as above.)    All adenoid tissue and mucous glands
green, connective tissue bright red, muscularis mucosse light
Solitary glands of large intestine.-Ut supra.
Trachea.-(Section.) Mucous glands and cartilage green,
connective tissue red, trachealis muscle yellowish brown.
Bronchus, same effect.
Skin.-(Preferably from the sole of the foot of a fcetus.)
Cuticle and superficial layers of epithelium yellow, rete Mal-
pighii green, ducts of sweat glands green, connective tissue of
cutis vera red.
Cerebellum.-Outer layer of grey matter with cells of Pur-
kinje red, inner or granular layer green.
178. Piero-Carmine, Anilin-Green, and Malachite-Green
(Richardson's method ').-Richardson operated by placing
picro-carmine stained sections in " watery solutions of iodine
and malachite-green dyes in different proportions until they
seemed dark blue in colour."
When equal parts of the two solutions were taken the
nuclei of cartilage-cells became light purplish grey, the newly-
formed osseous walls of the cancellous tissue being dark
bluish green. The spaces of the cancellous tissue were shown
to be filled with " gorgeously-coloured corpuscles, in ruby and
yellow." Hairs and hair-follicles were green.
These experiments were made chiefly on sections of a
kitten's tail. The directions for operating are: When the
sections have become tolerably dark blue in appearance wash
them rapidly in spirit of wine, dehydrate rapidly in absolute
alcohol, and mount in Klein's dammar.
179. Piero-Carmine     and   Methyl-Green    (Max   Flesch's
method 2).-Sections of cartilage, skin, and glands made from
I 'Journ. Roy. Mic. Soc.' (N.S.), i (1881), p. 868.
2 'Zool. Anz.,' 123 (1882), p. 554.