431. Glycerin Injection-fluid (Prussian-Blue) (Robin's for-
mula ')-Consists of the precedent vehicle combined with
one third its volume of the Prussian-blue colouring-mass,
formula No. 385.
432. Glycerin Injection-fluid (Cadmium) (Robin's for-
mula 2)-Consists of the precedent vehicle combined with
one third its volume of the cadmium colouring-mass, formula
No. 386.
433. Glycerin Injection-fluid (Scheele's-Green) (Robin's for-
mula 3)-Consists of the precedent vehicle combined with
one third its volume of the Scheele's-green colouring-mass,
formula No. 387.
434. Glycerin Injection-fluid (Wywodsen's formula4).-
" D. Wywodsen has obtained admirable results by using
thymol. The proportions are: thymol 5 parts, alcohol 45,
glycerin 2160, water 1080."
435. Glycerin and Wood-Naphtha Injection-mass (Prussian-
Blue) (Beale's formula 5):
Glycerin   .    .    .    .    .    .    2 ounces.
Wood-naphtha or pyro-acetic spirit .      1- drachms.
Spirit of wine  .    .    .    .    .     1 ounce.
Ferrocyanide of potassium      .     .    12 grains.
Tincture of sesquichloride of iron (the
muriated tincture of iron, B. P.) . 1 drachm.
Water . . . . . . 3 ounces.
Dissolve the ferrocyanide of potassium in 1 ounce of the
glycerin, mix the tincture of iron with the other ounce. Add
the iron mixture drop by drop to the ferrocyanide solution,
shaking all the time. (When thoroughly mixed, no flocculi
I ' Traitg,' p. 35.          2 Ibid., p. 36.
3 Ibid., p. 37.
4 ' St. Petersb. Med. Wochenschrift,' No. 51. ' Journ. Roy. Mic. Soc.'
(N.S.), ii (1882), p. 717.
5 ' How to Work, &c.,' 3rd ed. (1865), p. 113.