and then with the green, as directed for rosein and anilin-blue,
supra, No. 194.
197. Rosein and Iodine-Green (Hleneage Gibbes's method 1)
Make an alcoholic solution of the rosein, and an aqueous solu-  W
tion of iodine-green, and stain first with the rosein, and then  T
with the iodine-green, as directed for rosein and anilin-blue,
supra, No. 194.
198. Gold-Chloride and Anilin (Heneage Gibbes's method2).    Bery
Stain with chloride of gold in the usual manner, and then with  &
one of the four double stains just described.
199. Anilin Double-Stains for Blood (V. Harris's experi-
ments 3).-A lengthy series of experiments on combinations      gra
of anilins.  I shall abstract them as briefly as possible,      hGe
because they do not appear likely to be of much use in general  (IltP
histology. Only one tissue-blood-was experimented on;           N(
and the conditions under which the dyes were employed were    1Iosie
such as can in nowise be employed in general histological        le
research. Layers of blood were dried, treated with aqueous     fedilb
or dilute solution of one of the dyes, washed with water, dried  Vira
in the flame of a spirit-lamp, treated with aqueous or dilute   lie
solution of the second dye, washed with water, dried, and       hfi
mounted in Canada balsam.                                       neleI
Eosin and aurin.-Unsuccessful, the solution of aurin          1' i
having to be made with absolute alcohol, and entirely driving   nclei
out the eosin.                                                   1P
Fuchsin and anilin-primrose.-Nuclei, yellowish crimson,      shlWe
remainder of the coloured corpuscles light yellow. Not a         Ge
good combination.
Rosein and iodine-green.-Coloured corpuscles bright red,      Id.
with bluish-green nuclei. An excellent combination.              I
Fuchsin and methylen-blue.-Coloured corpuscles pink, or       GeO
green with a pink edge, nuclei deep blue. One of the most       een
successful combinations.
I L. c.           2  L. c.                            oeee
3 ' Quart. Journ. Mic. Sci.' (N.S.), xo (1883), p. 292.  II