uterus, tubi, vaginT, mamma, lymphatic glands. Not useful -
for muscle, kidney, or peripheral nervous system, or sense-     P
186. Heematoxylic Eosin    (Renaut's formula ').-In order       h
to cure the diffuseness of stain which is the capital defect of
aqueous cosin solutions, Renaut combines eosin with huema-
toxylin.                                                        Veal
It had already been proposed (by Wissotsky, of Kazan, in      ?
1876) to double stain with huematoxylin and eosin in succes-    6080
sion, but this method has many defects. Frequent washings        t
are necessary, and moreover      eosin  solutions  precipitate  blu't
Boehmer's hoematoxylin, throwing down granular or flaky
deposits which obscure the preparations. Renaut, having
remarked that this precipitation does not occur if the two
solutions are mixed in the presence of neutral glycerin, pro-     P
ceeds as follows:                                                188
Make a mixture of equal volumes of neutral glycerin and
saturated solution of eosin (in alcohol or in water, according   04d
as pure eosin or potassic eosin is employed). Add Boebmer's      (I1
humatoxylin (No. 94), drop by drop, until the green fluores-     I89
cence of the mixture becomes almost imperceptible. Filter,       km
and you will obtain a violet-coloured solution of humatoxylic   11,
eosin.                                                           That
To be used in the same way as picro-carmine.                  "n sol
Mount in saline glycerin (1 per cent.) or in balsam.    (In    S/I
the latter case both the alcohol used for dehydrating, and       "'th
the oil of cloves used for clearing, should be charged with      lB'
eosin).                                                          ith
Osmic and chromic-acid preparations stain selectively, and     'inute
with precision, nuclei violet, connective tissue pearl-grey      sad
elastic fibres and blood-corpuscles deep red, protoplasm and    Is,
axis cylinders " intense light red."
The stain has a specific action on the cells of salivary and
'Comptes Rendus,' 1879, p. 1039 (Ire s6r.).