absolute alcohol, for sections of nerve-centres). Clear with
turpentine and mount in balsam.
The sections should appear of a fine dark violet when           a
taken from the anilin; they are extremely transparent under       ,
the microscope. Nerve-cells and axis-cylinders, reddish has
violet; blood-vessels, bluish violet, and so sharply marked
out that the preparations have the aspect of injections. The
connective elements are stained of a nearly pure blue, so that  meet
it is easy to distinguish them from the nervous elements.
Applicable to all kinds of tissues, but especially to sections 0
of nerve-centres.                                                uie
177. Piero-Carmine and Iodine-Green (Stirling's method').     1il
-Stain picro-carmine, wash in acidulated water (acetic acid),    outn
stain iodine-green. Iodine-green stains very rapidly, and care
must be taken not to overstain. Rinse in water, dehydrate        bnerV
rapidly, clear with clove oil, mount in dammar. (All prepara-    11
tions stained with iodine-green must be mounted in dammar.)     (hk
Iodine-green has a specific action on adenoid tissue and       iero-U(
mucous glands, which it stains of a bright green.                age
Fetal cancellous bone.-(Section of bead of bone.)  All the    E
newly-formed bone is red, but in the centre of each of the
osseous trabecula the residue of the calcified cartilage on which  t
bone is deposited is stained green.
Ossifying articular cartilage.-(Vertical section of cartilage
and subjacent bone where the epiphysis is united to the shaft,
but where the line of ossification still exists.) The articular
cartilage and the remains of the calcified cartilage trabecula 8
on which the new bone is deposited, green.                         o
Posterior part of tongue : mucous and serous glands.-Mucous
glands green, serous glands red, adenoid tissue green.
Peyer's Patch.-(Section of small intestine of dog or cat,
1 ' Journ. Anat. and Physiol.,' xv (1881), pp. 349, et seq.