minutes into a-6old s aturated solution of picro-carminate of
soda. 1lVIint in dammar.                                         Doi W
Fgj7the staining of the isolated ganglion-cells, the following   r
iethod is employed :--Pieces of spinal cord about half a          blus
centimetre thick are. macerated in a small quantity (just          Via]
enough to cover tli'em) of Ranvier's alcohol (one third alcohol)  t1el
for several da-ys. Small fragments of the grey matter are          ae v
then taken   and well shaken in a test-tube with a small          rd a
quantity  6f water. There is then added a little glycerin           i
and a few drops of the concentrated solution of picro-car- Y
minoie of soda, and the whole set aside for one or two days.      rE
Diecant, and to the red deposit, which now consists chiefly of
stained ganglion-cells, add 1 or 2 drops of glycerin, and         lf]
place the whole for two days in a desiccator with sulphuric lo
acid. (This part of the operation is best performed in a
watch-glass, or, better, flat-bottomed cell.)   The cells are
best got on to a slide by pouring a drop of the dehydrated
glycerin on to it.                                                 Af
No directions are given for the preparation of the picro-       wbi
carminate; that used by Schiefferdecker was prepared by Dr
Witte, of Rostock.
571. Anilin-Blue, for Processes of Ganglion-cells (Zu~p-        for t
pinger's method ').-Sections of brain or cord (that has been      noti
hardened in bichromate) are washed       out with acidulated      be?(
water, stained (in the dark) in a slightly acidulated (HCi, or    days
acetic acid) solution of the soluble anilin-blue of commerce,     We&
washed out with acidulated water, rinsed quickly with abso-       was
lute alcohol, cleared (in the dark) with kreasote, and mounted celh
in dammar. They must not be allowed to remain long in the          Y
kreasote, and they must be preserved permanently in the dark.     blh
572. Myelon, Sections of, Carmine and Anilin-Blue Double-       lPe
stain (Duval's method 2).-Stain with carmine, dehydrate with      o1s
alcohol; stain for five to twenty minutes in an alcoholic solu- &ist
1 Ibid., x (1874), p. 255.
2 Robin's 'Journ. de 1'Anat.,' 1876, p. 111.
