To a c(
CHAPTER      XLVIII.                              ofits
646. Immobilisation of Batrachians (Robin's methods I).-         ortvo
Subcutaneous injection of a few    drops of chloroform or of       V,
solution of curare; or a small piece of curare in substance may    aloo
be placed under the integuments. Frogs may also be anus-
thetised by placing them   in water containing a few drops of
chloroform or ether.
Mammalia.2-Inject curare under the skin and study the
circulation of the mesentery.
Annelida.3-Similar processes may be employed with
Nais, &c.
647. Curare (Schmuziger's formula 4).-To immobilise frogs        them
for the study of the circulation, I to - centigramme of a 0-1
per cent. curare solution is injected. Complete immobility is        6h
obtained after the lapse of 1 to 1- hours. The observations Th
may sometimes be continued for more than fifty hours.              akok
648. Alcohol as an Anesthetic (Budneff's method 5).-In-          j~tt
troduce 2 or 3 drops of spirit of wine into a frog's mouth.        slidet
649. Ether as an Anasthetic (Gage's method 6). - In order         ndI
to quiet live aquatic animals, add a small quantity of sulphuric
1 Robin, ' Trait6,' p. 6.
2 Ibid.
3 Ibid.
4 ' Arch. Mik. Anat.,' ix (1873), p. 709.                         p7
5 Ibid., i (1865), p. 295.                                          I
6 ' American Quart. Micro. Journ.,' i, p. 71. ' Journ. Roy. Mic. Soc.,' i  I
(1878), p. 353.
