7. Chlorum dilutum.
8. Aqua Javelli.
9. Nitric acid of 36 per cent.                                  *4e
10. The following is particularly recommended :-Place
nerves for twenty-four hours in - per cent. osmic acid, wash
with water, and place for twenty-four hours in water 10-0
grammes, liquor ammonia       10 to 30 grammes. Tease in
water. Portions of sheath may by this means be obtained            For
emptied of their contents across an entire field of the micro-    low
scope.                                                            iitl
For the indentations of the medulla:                            inthe
1. Concentrated corrosive sublimate.                          Itisl
2. Chromic acid.                                              suIti
3. Bichromate of potash.                                      demo
4. Nitrate of ,silver.                                       0ut t
For the sheath of the axis-cylinder:                            tor
Maceration in 36 per cent. nitric acid, alcohol dilutus (Ran--
vier's), weak osmic- and chromic-acid solutions. The chromic
acid should be from 1-3000 to 1-6000 strength; the alcohol         Some
dilutus should be allowed to act for several weeks. Subse-         kgiD
quent staining with anilin-red is useful. The 36 per cent.         nm
nitric acid should be allowed to act for twenty-four to fifty-     by b
four hours.                                                        aH
Another good method is to macerate for from six to twenty       P'
hours in an osmic-acid solution of from   1-350 to 1700, and       R i
tease.                                                            eth
554. Medullated Nerve (Ranvier's methods ').-A nerve, itis
having been exposed by dissection on a living or recently         from
killed animal, is treated first with distilled water and then      kei
with silver nitrate of 3-1000. As soon as it is seen to be a
fixed by the action of the silver, it is dissected out and ioe1
brought into the silver solution, in which it is exposed to the     f
light for five, ten, fifteen, or twenty minutes. It is then        skl
washed and examined in distilled water. This treatment             So
1 ' Trait6,' p. 725.