ment into an efficient body functioning for the welfare
of the nation rather than the private interests of officials
and civil servants. (3) The Armed Forces were the only
force strong enough to eliminate corrupt and self-serving
interests which had brought the country to the verge
of disintegration. (4) Only the Armed Forces, in the
existing emergency, were able to stop increasing Com-
munist infiltration and subversion, and the growth of
pro-communism among some irresponsible elements
among-the people.

The Republic of Korea is the symbol of Free World
opposition to Communist imperialistic expansion. Here,
the soldiers of sixteen nations fought to uphold the
principles of the United Nations Charter. The casualties
suffered during that terrible war by the Armed Forces
and civilian population of this country and its United
Nations Allies were appalling. This Government assures
its allies and other members of the Free World that
there is no intention to abandon the principles of true
democracy—rather, our determination to convert these
principles into actual practice is inflexible, even at the
cost of a serious “surgical operation” which is needed to
accomplish spiritual, mental, and physical regeneration.

It is the intent of this White Paper to explain the as-
pirations of the Korean people and to briefly summarize
the historical, social, political and economic factors
which inevitably led to the military coup as the only
alternative to eventual Communist domination and the
permanent destruction of democracy on the Korean


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