
te ,

3. There emerges clearly a picture of Kim's
emotionalism, persecution complex insofar as Americans
are concerned and apparent unwillingness to understand
US positions.

4. It is interesting to speculate as to why Kim
went out of his way to make this statement (mostly faise)
to the press. The Embassy believes {it was only in part

“an emotional reaction to fancied slights and real |
differences of opinion. Tt is also a mark of Kim's
confidence in his power, and his disdain for disagreement
with his views.. Moreover, there creep in overtones of
misguided nationalism and fanaticism characteristic of
«Kim. The remarks in the last two paragraphs are parti-
cularly pernicious, and illustrate what the Embassy means
when it says Kim is potentially dangerous.

For the Ambassador:

, (Hie flak “4
- Philip C. Habib

Counselor of Embassy
- for Political Affairs

Enclosure: .

As stated.