
(8) Distribution, sale, manufacture, display, or possession
of obscene pictures = punishable by up to. one. year of
penal servitude, (Arts 243, 2hk) «

(9) Publicly committing an "indecent act" - penal servitude
for not more than a year, (Art 24,5).

Gambling - habitual gambling is punishable by a minor fine,

but occasional gambling "for momentary pleasure" raises no

criminal liability, (Art 246).


(1) Murder - the Korean statutory law of murder is set forth
succinctly as follows: "A person who kills another
shall be punished with death, penal servitude for life
or for not less than five years," (Art 250. (1) ).

Korean law does not make the distinction between murder
in the first degree, murder in the second degree, vol-
untary manslaughter, and involuntary manslaughter gen-
erally found throughout the United States. However, a
crime closely akin to involuntary manslaughter is found
in Article 267 of the Code, which provides for imprison-
ment for not more than two years for a person who "causes
the death of another through negligence." If such a
death is caused by gross negligence, the term of im-
prisonment may be increased up to five years, (Art 268).
Infanticide - defined as the killing of a baby by a
lineal ascendant, during or after delivery, for the pur-
pose of avoiding disgrace or out of fear of being unable

to support the baby. This crime is punishable by penal

servitude for not more than ten years, (Art 251).

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