W-168 » Paris

eoeehas the e mmber 283 of March
5, 1956 and to subsequen tatives of the
United States Government and the French
ment of the United States for logistical support furnish
forces participating in the United Nations operations in Korea.

This subject was originally raised with the French Government on
May 7, 1951, when @ draft agreement was presented to and discussed with
the French Embassy in Washington. Since 1956, the United States Depart-
ment of. the Army and the French military authorities have discussed from
time to time the method by which the cost of this logistical support
¢ on a formia for determining these
+ of the Army undertook to
documented cost basis.

The Department of ted a detailed state-
ment of account, compil covering logistical
support furnished to the French

Army. This statement, supported by photos

in documents for items costing $1,000 or more, we

French Military Attache' in Washington on August 16, 1961 for transmittal
to the French military authorities in Paris. In addition, documents
covering items costing less than $1,000 are available in the United
States Army Finance and Accounts Office, Washington, for such examina
tion as may be desired.

The United States Air Force and the United States Navy also prom
vided logistical support to the French forces in Korea. The total
wue of logistical support furnished by the Air Force through June x,
1961 was $149,343.12. The Comptroller General of the French Army,
during discussions held in Washington in February 1960, 4{ndicated
he was prepared to accept logistical support provided
by the United States Air Force. Navy made satis-
factory arrangements some time ago for the presentation of state-
ments md their payment. Consequently, an agreement for the reim-
bursement of the United tical support furnisbed to
French forces in Korea would be confined to logistical support
furnished by the United States Army and the United States Air Force.

The United States Government trusts the documented cost statement
of account prepared by the Department of the Army will now provide a
basis for an agreement cove the reimbursement of the United States
for logistical sup French forces in Korea.
United States Gover agreement with
the French Government at the earliest possible date, and would welcome
proposals as to the appropriate time to resume discussions of this