a 2

south and north Korea, thus committing social evils
without regard toe their moral values. In fact, one

could hardly find any moral spirit among students.

2. Agtivities of Political Parties

a. Conservative Parties


Jt wase an obvious fact that among twenty-three

— ea eet

various parties, the conservative parties-were ~~ =e


competing with one another and concentrated their
main efforts in capturing only political power.
This fact only led the politicians and the
nation into confusion. The Democratic Party in
power, against the expectation of the people,
allowed the national economy to completely fall
into extreme distress through a number of dishonest
measures, such as, for example, the Government's
sale of its holdings in yarious enterprises for the
purpose of acquiring political fund, the sale of
the Governmer=.-owned tungsten, 41l-planned economic

policies, parcial parsonnel appointments, acquisition

of pojitical fund through the Korean Resident

Federation in Japan (Communist organization), and
other innumerable misdeeds. The conservative
opposition party failed not only to correct the
Governmental policies but also to stem the increas~
ing corruption, Instead they actively collaborated
with the Executive branch of the Government in ,
aggrandizing the corruption. They were Anti-govern=-

ment in daylight and pro-government in night hours.

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