-2- 2916, June 12, 9 p.m. (SECTION THREE OF FOUR) from Ankara

should be new government Turkey. I could not see a new
government with all its problems deciding to return to
5,000 men commitment. Sarper did not comment further.

Sarper then spoke thus: You and I have opportunity and
responsibility try work out, remove any obstacles arising
between our two peoples. It is difficult but it is our
duty. I said that with his good will and forbearance I

was ready at all times work for removal any obstacles

which might arise. Then Sarper expressed himself curiously:
Ambassador, I have had many hard jobs 48 Ambassador, now it
is your time. You have a hard job ahead of you. (I did not
then and still do not know what he meant. F, W.)

I arose to leave at 1820 hours. He said he would accompany
me through door toward staircase 80 “they wont think anything
has arisen between us". As heretofore since Gursel took
over, y corridor on second
floor was full people, most o We exchanged
handshakes and smiles and I departed. Il found as many armed
soldiers on both second floor and at ground floor entrance

as usual since May 2/7.


I. Although foregoing contains orderly, non-sequential
recital everything 1 recall, conversation itself was much
less orderly, more haphazard. I took only few notes on what
Gursel told Sarper.

II. General Morin knows Gursel better than any us in Embassy.

poe ee Omer Be

He hazards belief brigade decision taken by Gursel result
previous stand he had taken wit h General Erdelhun.and Gursel
sincere but narrow belief what he doing.4n. pest..interest
Turkish Arm nation. Also decision is accord with facts
reported Tur sh NATO annual review. Consequently, General
Morin this stage not inclined consider this decision as first

by GOT to pull away from close association with USG.

NOTE: Mr. Morris (GTI) notified 12 midnight 6/12/60 JRL CWO.


