Revolutionary Courts, become applicable if certain fortune makers
intentionally fail to return certain amounts determined by the commit-
tee to have been illegally accumulated, together with the fines levied
by the commsttes, within the pericd arescribeds” Suchconduct- is -pun-
ishable by a maximum sentence of death and a minimum of three years
imprisonment or a fine of twice the amount originally nea Fraud-
ulent concealment of the amounts accumulated or fraudulent transfer of
property for the purpose of evading the law is made punishable by a
maximum sentence of death and a minimum of ten years imprisonment and
confiscation of the property concerned. Public officials are subject |
to. a punishment ranging from two to five years in prison merely for
having illegally accumulated a fortune. However, if they surrender

voluntarily or provide information concerning the activities of other

illicit fortune makers, their punishment will be reduced. The chair-

man of the committee is given exclusive power to sign indictments against

those who violate the provisions of the law.

7? 623, Art.

aio sd.

7 ray 623, Art.

Law 623, Art.

Law 623, Art.