Decided to obstruct the mobilization of his unit, and
ordered co-accused PAK Sang-Hun and witness KWON Yong-Song,
while having supper at the Restaurant Samhi-—Jong, located
at Ta-dong, Chung-gu, Seoul at around 10:00 p.m. the same
day, to return to the unit and disperse the troops under
mobilization, thereby causing co-accused PAK Sang-Hun to
obstruct the unit mobilization as stated in para. 2 above,
and witness KWON Yong-Song to order the commander of the
first Battalion of his regiment to restore the previously
issued weapons and ammunition to the unit's armory.

from the 506th Counter-Intelligence Unitaat 10320 p.m., May
15, ordered by telephone Maj. KIM Sang-Jin, the Division
G-1 aide and the Officer of the Day on that particular day,
to shoot anyone attempting to mobilize the unit.

At 10:30 p.m., the same day, visited the 506th Counter-
Intelligence unit together with accused YI Kap-Yong ( LEE
Kap Yong), and informed Unit Commander. Y1 Ch'or-Hui,

Army Chief of Staff CHANG To-Yong and the Vith Military
District commander of the revolutionary plan as indicated
in para. 1 above.

At 11:20 p.m., the same day, made a telephone call from the
Vith Military District Command Military Police station to
order co-accused PAK Sang-Hun to arrest Lt. Colonel YI
Paeg-I1, who, in turn, ordered Major KANG O-Hyon, Division
Provost-Marshal, to carry out the order.

After receiving the support of one platoon of military
policemen from the VIth Military District Provost-Marshal,
personally led the said military police platoon to his

unit, and posted military policemen at the division
entrance, guard posts, and armory, in an attempt to obstruct
the mobilization of the said 30th Type "B" Combat Group
under the revolutionary plan.

At 2:20 a.m., May 16, was instructed by the then Army

Chief of Staff CHANG To-Yong to organize 4 small task force
of trustworthy men, and in spite of advice from the VIth
Military District commander not to cause bloodshed by
fighting comrades-in-arms , ordered the task force of
company strength to the City Hall Plaza at around 3:00 a.M-,
the same day, personally leading the said task force to the
said place at around 4:50 a.m., the same day, and thus
obstructing the revolutionary action of the Military
Revolutionary Committee. (HD /Cha)