An accused is entitled to be present at the
trial and to be confronted with the witnesses
i a a

The-burden of proof is upon the government in
all CASOSs 0 0 che ee eee eet

The accused is entitled to be tried by an im-
partial court. * es . a o- a . * e * 7 7 * = * +

Confes sions obtained through torture or through
the use of brutal or unfair means are j{nadmis-
sible. oF we cs a oo + os * . - a = + e . + a + 7. . -

Rights Deemed "Essential to Due Process" After Trial
Cruel and unusual punishments are prohibited.
B. Rights Protected by the U. S. Constitution, but not

Deemed so Fundamental as to be "Essential to Due Pro-

cess" a oe * = + e . e . . * * * * 7 +

1. Prior to Piel 6 és oct 9 2 © 8

The right to bail..
During Trial . e e * a ° * 7 . . .

a. An accused 4s entitled to a speedy and public
trial. +. + * + - e . . e o . + e e e aa * * *

Evidence produced by unreas mable searches and
seizures is inadmissible. »«+****"**%° °

The accused is entitled to trial by jurye- -
Compulsory self-incrimination is prohibited.
No Bill of Attainder Shall be Enacted. + +**°* °°
No Ex Post Facto Law Shall be Enacted. .
Double Jeopardy 3s Prohibited »«+«*°* °
Additional Important Righte. ss eo +
1. Interpreter and/or Translator. ---** °°
2, Attendance of U. 5S. representatives at trial..

3. Communication with U. 5. representatives.. .